Jan 5, 2009

Education is Preventable

Governments and educators have failed so far in guiding people to choose health above processed convenience foods. Both the mainstream media and doctors have asserted that diabetes has no cure and heart disease is hereditary. Yet on October 15th 2008 Obama stated on national television that heart disease and diabetes are preventable, and therefore people must be educated on how to prevent these diseases.

Social media has greatly leveraged Obama's capacity to advocate profound political policy. How may this same technology be utilised to inform students about their own bodies and the sources from which their food comes? It's certainly helpful when presidents advocate for common sense but the information overload now outweighs the cure.

How can technology assist educators to enable students to make healthy food choices? Dr Patrick Nixon of globalchange states that "education needs to focus on how to find immediate answers to complex problems using new technology."

  • How can social media assist you in making the best choices for your bodies and long term health?
  • What technology tools would inform you?
  • What technology tools would empower you?
  • Which web resources would you choose and why? Why not?
  • Who might you listen to on the web? How do you ascertain their authority?
  • Do you feel that sharing your own discoveries will assist you as well as others?
  • What other actions might you take in order to enhance your own food choices?

I really recommend this video by Dr Patrick Dixon as a starting point to developing your own answers

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