Image courtesy of Sixybeast Flickr
Here's a review of the 2009 predictions by The Food People, a food trends agent in the UK.
1. Comfort food
• Nostalgia, feel good foods, treats.
2. Scratch cooking and home baking
• Raw ingredients, cheaper cuts, more cakes, sponges.
3. Local (also see no's 6 & 9.)
• Local regions, traditions, ingredients, breeds and species.
4. Less protein
• Meat is expensive. Eggs are not, so eggs are in.
5. Head to tail
• Eating more of our fish, meat and vegetables and reducing waste.
6. Sustainable varieties of meat and fish
• – rock fish, gurnard, flounder, mahi mahi.
7. Changing drinking habits
• Drinking at home rather than out in pubs and restaurants, beer, cider and cocktails
8. Thirst for food skills and knowledge
• Entry level cookery schools teaching the basics and how to's.
9. Restaurant and farm alliances
• Restaurateurs partnering with farms (farm to plate) engender trust and local sustainability.
10. Miniaturisation
• Smaller – greater choice, less cost, more variety, cute factor.
11. More customisation
• Customised or tailored goods, products or services.
12. Health
• Instant nutrition, ultra low calorie, natural ingredients.