Centro Commercial Food Market, originally uploaded by auntjojo.
Growers, chefs and factories market their food to those customers who really want to buy their products. Market Research enables food producers to create products that their customers will buy. Alot of this research is interviewing, polling and observing customer's buying and eating habits. Sophisticated software including data visualisation tools have sped up and refined this consumer information gathering process.
HealthFocus International Trendscan. This 2007 USA report has been compiled by a team of market researchers for the food and beverage industry. This group particularly focus on consumer health and nutrition. The HealthFocus Trendscan is a biennial publication this is a source from which food media reports . The 2009 report is yet to come out however . It will cost $US thousands. Instead use Basic Trend Search and Beyond Basic Trend Search to discover for yourself what might be covered in Trendscan 2009.
In summary-HealthFocus has identified 7 major areas of interest in health and wellness in the 2007 HealthFocus Trend Study.
The areas tracked are:
1) The Pursuit of Balance in Life & Diet, Daily Energy & Stress Reduction
2) Growth of Functional Foods & Functional Ingredients
3) Interest in Organic, Sustainability & Fair Trade
4) Weight Management
5) Food Safety Concerns
6) Well-being of Kids
7) Prevention & CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine)
Lesson Idea DIY Trend Scan
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