Mar 23, 2009

Social Site For Food Redistribution

Image courstesy of Jeffrey Beall

Dell Social Innovation Competition

Students from the Universities of UC Berkeley and of Texas have pulled together a team to compete for a $50 000 prize. The competition is being held by Dell in order to reward an innovative social venture model that solves a pressing world problem. Entries must be in by 6th April 2009.

So far the university team is a semi finalist.

" will close the information gap that prevents fresh nutritious foods from reaching hunger relief organizations.

" is an online tool that will match non-profits feeding low-income individuals with the produce from groceries, markets, and farms that would otherwise go to waste."

This solution to food waste and hunger simultaneously tackles climate change as food that ends up in landfills produces methane gas, a major cause of global warming.
You can register to vote for this social venture and ensure its success.
Here's a link to a recent article on this critical issue if you wish to become more proactive. America's Food Banks Shortage. Also review other articles on this blog under Food Activism.

I believe food activism will become incredibly high profile as global warming collides with economic collapse. As a chef I've often grappled with the conundrum of food waste within the hospitality sector. When visiting the kitchen at The Gleneagles Hotel in Scotland I've never forgotten the words of a chef there that there is nothing left in the fridges at the end of the day...I looked! Everything is fresh, no waste.

Some Questions
  • What questions come immediately to your mind reading these articles? Write them down.
  • Find 3 examples of food activism local to your city.
  • Contact one of these community social activists/groups. With any further questions in mind (listing them beforehand) interview them for a blog post.
  • Record it as a podcast and or write your post, being clear to state your questions and their response. Include your personal opinions and any supporting images.
  • What can you do now to reduce food waste in your own home? Workplace?

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